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RivieraWaves announce the world’s first Bluetooth low energy qualified baseband IP

September 6, 2010

Sophia-Antipolis, France – September 6th, 2010 – RivieraWaves announced today that it has successfully passed the Bluetooth Qualification with its Bluetooth low energy baseband Intellectual Property (IP).

“We are very proud to release the first qualified Bluetooth low energy baseband IP in the world”, said Ange Aznar, President and CEO of RivieraWaves. “This strengthens our leadership and footprint in the Bluetooth market, while increasing the confidence of our customers currently integrating our Bluetooth low energy technology”.

RivieraWaves is working to provide shortly a complete dual mode Bluetooth low energy IP line, also known as Bluetooth 4.0. This solution includes a complete radio transceiver IP containing the RF synthesizer, Low Noise Amplifier, Power amplifier, ADC, DAC, RF switches, etc, as well as the digital modem and the controller. The proven RivieraWaves Bluetooth 2.1+EDR RF IP has already been upgraded to support Bluetooth 3.0 and 4.0 specifications.

With this unique wireless IP offering, RivieraWaves is the only “one stop shop” company providing complete solutions for Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy (aka Bluetooth 4.0) and Bluetooth high speed (aka Bluetooth 3.0+HS) for stand alone chips, or for integration into combo chips or application/baseband processors. The IP offering is composed of hardware, software and analog/RF components.

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